How to Create a Stacked Bar Chart in Excel

How to Create a Stacked Bar Chart in Excel

Data visualization is a crucial aspect of data analysis, helping to present complex data in a more understandable format. One of the most used tools for this purpose is Microsoft Excel. Amongst the various chart types offered by Excel, the stacked bar chart is a popular choice. This guide will provide a step-by-step explanation of how to create a stacked bar chart in Excel.

What is a Stacked Bar Chart?

A stacked bar chart, or a stacked bar graph, is a graph that uses bars to display the comparison of different categories of data. Each bar in the chart represents a whole, and segments in the bar represent different parts or categories of that whole.

Stacked bar charts are useful when you want to compare total and one part of the total. They can showcase relationships within a dataset, showing the composition of individual items compared to the total.

How to Create a Stacked Bar Chart in Excel

Creating a stacked bar chart in Excel is a straightforward process. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Ensure that your data is organized in a way that suits a stacked bar chart. Your data should be in columns or rows on the Excel worksheet, with one column or row for each category.

Step 2: Highlight Data

Highlight the data you want to include in your chart.

Step 3: Insert the Chart

Click on the 'Insert' tab, then the 'Bar Chart' button, and select 'Stacked Bar'. Excel will generate a stacked bar chart with your selected data.

Step 4: Customize the Chart

You can adjust the chart title, axis titles, and other elements to make the chart clearer and more visually appealing.

How to Make a Clustered Stacked Bar Chart in Excel

A clustered stacked bar chart is a bit more complex. It combines the features of a regular stacked bar chart and a clustered bar chart, allowing you to compare and contrast sets of data at the same time.

Here is how to create one:

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Your data should be in columns or rows on the Excel worksheet, with one column or row for each sub-category and category.

Step 2: Insert a Stacked Bar Chart

Highlight your data, then click on the 'Insert' tab, then the 'Bar Chart' button, and select 'Stacked Bar'.

Step 3: Adjust Series Overlap

Right-click on any series (bar) in your chart, select 'Format Data Series', then adjust the 'Series Overlap' to 100%.

Step 4: Recolor Bars

Recolor the bars in each stack so they match, giving the appearance of clusters.

Step 5: Customize the Chart

As with the regular stacked bar chart, adjust the chart title, axis titles, and other elements to make the chart clearer and more visually appealing.

Plotting Multiple Stacked Bar Charts in Excel

To plot multiple stacked bar charts, you should prepare your data in a way that each category has sub-categories. Then, follow the steps for creating a regular stacked bar chart or a clustered stacked bar chart.

Remember, the key to effective data visualization is not just about creating graphs but also about choosing the right type of graph that best represents your data.

For more information on how to work with charts in Excel, check out Microsoft's official guide.


Excel is a powerful tool for data visualization, and stacked bar charts are just one of the many ways you can represent your data. With this guide, you should now be able to create, customize, and utilize stacked bar charts to effectively display your data.